Seaford & 合作伙伴庆祝牡蛎屋公园开幕

U.S. 卡珀参议员,根肖市长,地方官员 & 十大赌博正规老平台协会参加剪彩活动

Seaford, DE – Today, project partners celebrated the completion of phase one of Seaford’s new Oyster House Park at the site of the old J.B. 沿着西福德河步道的罗宾逊牡蛎屋. 特拉华州勒纳佩印第安部落酋长丹尼斯·科克承认了这片土地. U.S. Senator Tom Carper, 西福德市长大卫·根肖说, 十大赌博正规老平台 Board Chair Randall Larrimore and Executive Vice President Mark Conway were on hand to mark the occasion along with representatives from Perdue Farms and the Franklin P. and Arthur W. 珀杜基金会,以及其他当地民选官员.


“今天,我们正在为我们的社区和游客增加通往南提科克河的通道.  This investment will not only draw people to the waterfront to enjoy the natural beauty of the river, 还有西福德市中心的商业.  We believe this park will have a significant economic boost to not only our downtown but will also impact future investments along the waterfront.  我们对十大赌博正规老平台协会感激不尽, 还有我们所有的公共合作伙伴, 感谢你们支持这个项目,西福德市长大卫·根肖说.

“This first phase of the Oyster House project gives access to an amazing amenity to all residents – the Nanticoke River,” said U.S. Senator Tom Carper. “以河流为中心, and preserving the environment around it so that the public can use it for generations to come, 使西福德对居民更具吸引力, 企业和旅客通过. 这对我们的环境和西福德的经济活力来说是双赢的.”

“Seaford and the Nanticoke River are important and intertwined pieces of our state’s maritime history,” said U.S. Senator Chris Coons. “The inauguration of the Oyster House Park honors that rich history while promoting the environment and making much-needed improvements to public access at this picturesque river. 感谢根肖市长, 十大赌博正规老平台协会, 感谢所有为这项有价值的事业提供帮助的人.”

“The future look of the properties along the Nanticoke River will be influenced by this great addition. The beauty of the river has been hidden for a long time and is now the focus of efforts by visionaries in our community that will bring more people to its shorelines to enjoy this peaceful setting,特拉华州参议员布莱恩特. Richardson.

十大赌博正规老平台协会董事会主席兰迪·拉里莫尔说, “I was raised in Seaford and started this project to bring people back downtown and help with the revitalization of the City. 这个项目对我个人也有好处. 当我还是个孩子的时候,这条河被污染得很严重,我们不能在里面游泳. Sixty years ago, my father was mayor of Seaford and led the effort to build a sewage disposal plant. I am so proud to be helping provide greater access to the pristine Nanticoke River that my father helped clean up. 这个公园是我们保护切萨皮克湾30%的使命的一部分, 哪一种现在受到22%的保护, 以迎接拜登总统的挑战. 33% of the Nanticoke River corridor down to Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge is protected, 所以我们知道这是可以做到的.”

“This will be a powerful example of how communities can leverage conservation and public access to natural assets like the Nanticoke River in order to provide new economic opportunities for outdoor recreation and tourism, and in turn, 帮助改变社区本身,” continued Larrimore.

“Places like the new Seaford Oyster House Park are the backbones of our communities and the ground that grows the next generation of conservationists,十大赌博正规老平台区执行副总裁马克·康威说. “我们非常感谢让这个项目成为可能的许多资助者.”

“At Perdue Farms, we share the larger 十大赌博正规老平台 vision to preserve agricultural farmland and environmental habitat in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and along the banks of the Nanticoke River,” said Kim Nechay, 富兰克林P. and Arthur W. Perdue Foundation. “The new Oyster House Park serves as a launching point to the Nanticoke and some of the most ecologically important unspoiled habitat along a 40-mile river corridor from Seaford to the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge in Dorchester County in Maryland. 我们很自豪能支持西福德社区的邻居.”

Construction on this first phase of the new park began in December 2020 and focused on enhancing access to the Nanticoke River along the Captain John Smith 切萨皮克国家历史步道 (Chesapeake Trail). 欢迎市民参观扩建后的西福德河步道, fishing nooks, performance deck, 船坞设施和皮划艇发射场. 重建的舱壁稳定了海岸线和新的生活海岸线.

这一阶段的项目总成本为1美元.2 million, 哪个项目是由私人和公共资源共同资助的, including state transportation funding allocated by State Representative Daniel Short and State Senators Brian Pettyjohn and Bryant Richardson. Additional funding came from the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, the Crystal Trust, Longwood Foundation, Franklin P. and Arthur W. 珀杜基金会,福利基金会和REI.

In 2018, 十大赌博正规老平台, 总部设在安纳波利斯的非营利组织, MD, 购买了牡蛎屋公园的房产, 在山的慷慨支持下. 古巴中心,并将海滨地块十大赌博正规老平台给了纽约市. 十大赌博正规老平台 then worked with the City in a year-long public planning and comment period process to seek community input that was incorporated into a draft master plan for the Oyster House Park.

In late February 2020, 市议会批准了一项总体规划,要求将公园建设分为四个阶段. 通过十大赌博正规老平台协会筹集的资源, 施工标书于2020年夏季设计并发布, and Dissen & 通过竞争性招标程序,约翰被选为该项目的第一阶段.

后续阶段计划在五年内完成, with each phase focused on providing benefits for the community that can be enjoyed immediately upon completion. These plans include:

Phase Two: A natural green amphitheater at the edge of the property that seats 75 people and an overflow of about 200 on the lawn. 这也将作为一个社区户外教室, 用于表演和控制侵蚀的聚集空间,以解决陡峭河岸的径流问题.

Phase Three: A structure that is a reimagination of the two Oyster Houses that were once on the site that will showcase sculpture, 解释性展览和提供会议空间. 它将包括必要的公共设施,如停车场和浴室, as well as a porch and garage door openings that will permit an unblocked view of the river from South Cannon Street.

Phase Four: Enhancing community emotional and spiritual connections through pedestrian access to the nearby prayer garden, a tribal ring for the Nanticoke Indians to practice traditional ceremonies by the river and a pavilion for shaded gatherings.

The park complements a significant number of other conservation projects along the Nanticoke River including the recently celebrated Nanticoke Crossing Park near the Woodland Ferry. Through partnerships with the United States Department of Defense Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration Program (REPI), 马里兰州和特拉华州, The Conservation Fund, 大自然保护协会, Mt. Cuba Center, 下游土地信托, 苏塞克斯郡土地信托, 南特科克河流域保护协会, and others, 十大赌博正规老平台协会帮助保护了3,横跨连接维也纳的走廊的21个项目占地050英亩, MD, to Seaford. Significantly, 这21个项目与其他先前保护的财产和避难所相连, which creates 19,300 total acres of conserved land in the Nanticoke River watershed with a powerful impact on the environment.
